Brad Rhame

Motivational Thoughts on Success, Leadership and Martial Arts

Archive for the tag “life”

Lessons Learned (Part 4)

When I left the retail industry, I moved on to horses and hard work!

While I was finishing my senior year in high school, I started working on a ranch. I had so many experiences on that ranch that they still play a part in my life today.

When I first started on the ranch, the job was only after school for an hour or so.  Then, once summer came, I was working full time and really enjoyed it.  I learned a lot about hard work and doing things that I had never done before.  That summer the temperature got as high as 110 degrees, in the shade!  I wore boots, jeans, a t-shirt and a cowboy hat.  I got to see newborn calves born and weaned from their moms.  Building fence was quite the experience, too. There were acres of fence to build! 

One thing I learned was how to take instruction from the ranch hand.  He grew up on a farm and knew what it was like to take care of horses, build fence and make sure everything ran smoothly.  His name was Craig and there was a reason behind everything he did. He was also a great dad and husband.  Occasionally, I got to see him interact with his family, when they would come onto the ranch.  We had some good laughs, as well as some serious teachable moments. 

Once, when his son was just a young boy and wouldn’t stop talking, I bet his son that he couldn’t be quiet for five minutes.  Well, he did it and I had to pay up.  That was my second thing I learned. It is always better to keep your word and be known for what you say you will do. His son started trying to make more bets with me, but I knew better than to make that mistake again!

The owner of the ranch was a family friend and I am fortunate that my parents knew him. He made good money at a lumber company that he owned, and I always thought it would be neat to own my own company and do well in life.  He was also a very giving man and generous to others. Having nice things is great, and there is nothing wrong with it, but one just can’t make it the sole purpose of living this life. If you are going to make good money, then you need to show others how to use it properly.

In life there are many things you can spend your money on, but none of them compare to educating yourself. I’m not necessarily talking about formal education and college. Although, those are beneficial. What I am really speaking about is finding hobbies and passions that drive you. Spend time learning more about them from books, videos, mentors and even weekend classes.

When we are young, we may find that school is boring or not for us. In reality, it is teaching us how to learn, so we can take that knowledge of how to learn and apply it towards what we truly want to do in life. Learning how to take instruction and apply what you learn to your life is of the utmost importance. When we are not afraid of learning new skills, ideas or ways of life, we will run towards educating ourselves and pursuing our dreams.

Andy when we couple learning with hard work, we will find that our worlds will change drastically and for the better!

Remember…life is short. Don’t wait to do what you want to do or you will have less time to do it.

Life Lesson:

Learn how to learn and don’t be afraid of hard work.

Your Last 5 Minutes

If you were told you had 5 minutes to live, what would you do?

What would you say?

Would you call someone?

Would you write your final will?

Would you write a note to your loved ones?

How about this…

Would you be ready?

Did you accomplish everything you wanted?

Did you give your best advice to those who needed it?

Did you say, “I love you” enough?

Did you say it at all?

300 seconds is all you have left to leave your last impression on this world.

Did your children learn all the lessons you had to teach them?

Does your spouse know how much you love and adore them?

Will your coworkers have great things to say about you?

Will the local stores remember you?

What will be said by others at your funeral?

Will the world be glad that you graced it with your presence and left something behind?

Will you pass from this planet with a smile on your face or a tear in your eye?

When your final chapter is written and you are flipping to the last couple of pages, what will the words say?

You get to choose the answer to all of the questions above.

You get to write your legacy.

Knowing that nothing can be taken with you, what will you leave behind?

The ending of the story is up to you.

Above all, I hope you choose happiness.

By leaving this world a piece of you, we will be better off.

Now go and finish your story.

You’ll be glad you did.

I promise.

Growing Up – by Brad Rhame

I passed by my oldest son’s bedroom and noticed he was taking a nap.  He is 14 years old.  It is amazing to see how long he is on the bed.  In the last year, he has grown 5 to 6 inches in height and gained a tremendous amount of muscle.  As he was lying there, I felt like I had missed a whole year of his life.

He has changed so much!

I am proud of him.  He hears me say it, however, I don’t think he understands it.  Not like me.  There is this deep feeling of emotion that rushes over me as I see the man he could or might become.  His future is still in its infancy.

I think back to when he was a baby.  He was premature and was less than 4 lbs.  So small.  So helpless.  So fragile.  Now he is able to do most things by himself and will soon be driving.  I actually look forward to teaching him how to drive.  It will be one more bridge to freedom for him.  Another chance to grow up and make important decisions.

Sometimes we want our children to stay small and young.  We forget that our parents wanted the same thing for us, as did their parents for them.  Life is about growth…mentally…physically…emotionally…spiritually.  Without growth, there is only death. Life requires growth.  People, places, and things never stop growing.

People grow in physicality first and then in understanding (or at least that is the hope…lol).  Places like cities continue to grow in population.  In fact, the population from 1980 (4.4 billion) till now July 2018 (7.5 billion) has grown extremely fast!  And things like transportation, technology and even trees continue to grow.

Back to my son…

Now that his bones, muscles and other tissues are growing quickly, it also requires rest.  I think that is why he is napping.  Besides it being hot out, he is just worn out.  I take these moments as precious times in history, because I won’t have them much more.  What I will have is more experiences with him.  More intelligent conversations and yes…better comebacks.  We like to joke a lot.  He also likes to fill his oats and challenge me from time to time, with a little chest bumping action or wrestling match. He is definitely getting stronger and faster.  One day I won’t have the upper hand.  My martial arts background and physical size over him won’t last much longer, but I’m not telling him that!

I love him.

I make sure to tell him that a lot.

He probably thinks I say it too much, but I know a lot of guys who have never heard that from their dads.  So, I want to make sure he knows.

When life keeps moving faster and faster, make sure to hit the pause button and look around.  Kids grow up fast.  We grow up fast.  Life keeps moving, growing, changing…and if we don’t take a moment to breath and take in its beauty, then we will miss it.

I’m not going to miss it.

I’m not going to miss watching my son grow up.

In fact…I look forward to it (sort of).

Fighting Greatness – by Brad Rhame

What is one of the first things we do when we get out of bed? Yes…we head towards the bathroom, but what is one of the main things we do once we are in the bathroom? It has to do with a mirror. Yes, that’s right. We look at ourselves. And why do you suppose that is? Are we hoping to have perfect hair? What about sleep lines from our pillows? Are we hoping those don’t show up?

I think the answer lies much deeper and truer than those questions ask. I think we are hoping to see someone amazing. We are hoping that today picks up where yesterday left off (if yesterday was a great day). Or we are hoping that today is completely different and altogether better. Either way, we want today to be great. And most likely we want to be a factor in its greatness.

Whether we admit it or not, each of us wants to be great. We want to know our lives matter or make a difference. Life has a way of bringing us back to an all too common reality. My question though is this, “Is reality real?” If we wake up everyday hoping today is the day where we succeed, win, achieve more or whatever your goal might be, then doesn’t it make sense that we were made for more…?

Why do some people impact the world at such a young age and others do not? Could it be our drive? I wouldn’t put money on that one. What about our personality type? Maybe, but I would hold out for something else.

If I had to take an educated guess I would say passion. And then, what is our “Why”. If you believe in something with every fiber of your being and have a reason for it coming to fruition, then and only then can you make it happen. Nothing happens without action. Where there is no belief and action…dreams do not become reality.

Bruce Lee changed martial arts forever, because of his belief in a better fighting philosophy. Jesus Christ changed the world, because of his love for humanity. Both died before they saw the age of 35! There is still time for you to realize your dreams and become the person you were created to be.

From now on, when you get out of bed trust yourself to who you want to be and not who you might currently think you are. Surround yourself with positive people. Read books and magazines that inspire you. Keep learning and growing. Always be a student and self educate yourself. Exercise your body and brain. Create something new. Go somewhere new. Try something new.

But most of all…Stop fighting your current fear of greatness and who you were really meant to be. Dare yourself to fail. Learn from your mistakes and press on. We are waiting for you to change the world!

Conquering Your Dreams: Step 9

WARNING… We have another scary one for you to hit head on if you are going to conquer your dreams. Are you ready to go for it?

via Conquering Your Dreams: Step 9.

Love to Live – by Brad Rhame

Life is not so much about what we do, but who we are.  Maybe you always wanted to be someone famous or own your own company.  Right now you are neither.  Maybe you will always be neither…But that is okay.  Learn to (or should I say teach yourself to) love life.  Everyday is a gift.  When your body is set in motion, at the start of the day, anything can happen.  Live as if it were your last day on Earth.  Make others remember you.  Make them glad they knew you.  Care about other’s more than yourself and they will remember you.


When life is over all your trophies will rust and eventually end up in the dump.  The one thing that won’t is your impact on others.  Give others something to live for.  Motivate and inspire them to go for their dreams.  Show them that you genuinely care about their lives.  Teach your kids everything you can.  Love your spouse with everything you have.  Give all you have inside to everyone outside.  Smile as you walk by others.  Open doors for others.  Pay the tab for others.  Volunteer your time to others.  Do to others as you would have them do to you.


Love your life so much that you want to bless others with it!

Brad Rhame

Success in Our Darkest Hours – by Brad Rhame

If you are in a place of torment, frustration, or monotony, then you are right where you need to be at this particular time.  It sucks…I know.  After successfully moving to a new state and getting a promotion, I thought life was on the up and up.  Wow, was I ever wrong!


After taking the job I, as a brand new manager, was put in a brand new store, with brand new employees.  On top of that, the bonus structure that I thought was good, didn’t work for this store.  Even if I would have bonused, which I didn’t, it was pennies.  The money wasn’t there and the hours were the worst ever.  I was working 70+ hours a week and not getting home till 5 and 6 AM in the morning.  That is not even counting drive time.  I also went from a fit black belt to a soft and heavier zombie.   My wife and boys never saw me and our money situation was getting worse by the month.  There were days when I would start crying and I couldn’t even stop.  I was exhausted to say the least.  My family and the thought of knowing I was a black belt kept me going.


I said all of that to help you realize that life is hard and sometimes you have to reach deep down inside or to a place in the past, to keep you moving forward.  There is always something, no matter how small, that we have done that brought joy to us.  If that is all you have, then grab that thought and don’t let go!  Climbing the mountain is harder than standing at the top.  But every once in a while you have to stop and take a minute to see how far you have come.


Maybe you are at a really low point and can’t see how this is helping you.  For me, I took the lessons I learned and told myself that I would never let one of my employees go through what I did.  I saw how the company treated me and others and knew there was a better way.  There is always something to be learned…Always.  Let the thought of knowing you have made it this far keep you going.


I know it is hard, but let your darkest hours be your trail up the mountain.  Take your lessons and pass them on to others.  Use them to make you stronger.  Use them to make you better.  Use them to make you successful!

Brad Rhame

Two Motivational Giants – by Brad Rhame

Two amazing motivators who are not, physically, with us anymore are Zig Ziglar and Jim Rohn.  Both of these giants made a huge impact on my life…and still do.  If you know either one of these two people, then you know the impact they have had on millions of others.  They were the mix of pure passion and philosopher (Zig and Rohn respectfully).  And those two words don’t even begin to scratch the surface.


You would walk away from one of their seminars, CD’s, or books and feel like you could conquer the world.  The obstacles that were there before were now opportunities.  With every breath, they would hack away at your old self and cause you to rise up into this magnificent warrior of a person.


Zig had this saying that went, “You can have everything in life you want, if you just help enough other people get what they want.”  Simply put…become everyone else’s biggest fan.  Another saying goes like this…”No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.”  Sacrifice a little bit of your time to help others and you will be rewarded more than you know.


There isn’t a year that goes by that I don’t listen to one of their CD’s or open one of their books.   If you have never experienced either one of these two personalities, then I encourage you to do so.  I will leave you with this, “Let others argue over small things, but not you.  Let others cry over small hurts, but not you.  Let others leave their future in someone else’s hands, but not you.” – Jim Rohn

Brad Rhame

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