Brad Rhame

Motivational Thoughts on Success, Leadership and Martial Arts

Archive for the month “July, 2015”

When My Blog Died

Have you run out of time for your passion?

A Holistic Journey

EKGgreenI want to file an official complaint as a subscriber to the Holistic Wayfarer for going MIA on us. (Completely forgetting she’s been out week after week with his son while keeping the lessons going.) You need to blog again, be reminded there are good people all over the world. They want to hear from you. When you don’t blog for a while, you crawl into yourself and scowl about all the !@#! people around us. You become deeper, happier, and look out when you engage your readers. You should take a few days off school, give T a break, and just BLOG.

~ Mr. Wayfarer last night

Tenny_studio2015C(Gasp. A break?? The boy has his Sabbath.)

Where I’ve been is a good question. The kitchen, trying to keep up with You-Know-Who’s sumo appetite. Foodie is growing before my eyes. We’ve been at the annual appointments I saved for the summer…

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Footwork Friday: Reverse Triangle

Build up the basics before moving on. Good article for any endeavor we choose.

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