Brad Rhame

Motivational Thoughts on Success, Leadership and Martial Arts

Archive for the month “December, 2014”

Story of the Two Tribes

There were these two tribes that inhabited the Andes Mountains. There was a low lander tribe, and there was a tribe that lived up in the high mountains as well. So one day the highlanders came down and plundered the village of the lowlanders. And they kidnapped one of the lowlanders’ babies and took it up into the highlands.

via Story of the Two Tribes.


I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday yesterday, filled with the gift of love and having those dearest to you celebrate along side. Yesterday, another gift also arrived, the release of the movie Unbroken. I am often asked who was my favorite interview of all time. And to this day it still stands as Louis Zamperini.

via Unbroken.

Want to Change Your Life?

We’re all self made men and women. But only the successful take credit for it, right? Either you’ve created the outcomes in your life by what you’ve done, or you’ve caused them by what you haven’t done. And even if something has happened to you, you are still responsible for how you respond to what’s done to you. Every aspect of your life is a mirror reflection of who you are. Your relationships mirror you. Your health, it mirrors you. Your bank account, it mirrors you.

via Want to Change Your Life?.

Left of Bang

My interest is peaked. I will have to check this book out. Thanks for the review Christopher!

Left of BangWhen I first heard about Left of Bang, I initially thought it would be a rerun of The Gift of Fear and What Every Body Is Saying with a hint of On Killing/On Combat mixed in. I’m happy to say that I was completely wrong. Patrick Van Horne and Jason Riley have joined the ranks of Gavin De Becker, Rory Miller, Dave Grossman and Joe Navarro, if not surpassed them, with their book Left of Bang. Although Left of Bang incorporates ideas and concepts from the previously mentioned authors and books, Riley and Van Horne really dug into the details of situational awareness and body language to provide us with a comprehensive guide in understanding our environments, our gut feelings and how to respond to the “anomalies” we observe.

Left of Bang is broken down into five parts, and although it is only 200 pages, it is jam-packed…

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The Same But Different – by Brad Rhame

We are all the same, but different.

The beginning of this year I decided to be different from everyone else and not make any yearly goals. The problem with that is I was really being like all those that decided to do the same thing.

So…I wasn’t being different, but the same.

So…I decided that this new year I would be different from last year, but the same as so many others. I am going to make some solid goals…just like so many others.

After changing careers at the beginning of this year I made a decision to relax more with my family, while at the same time spend more on eating out. I have had a great time with my loved ones, but also miss what I am very passionate about. Without sacrificing my family time, like I have done in the past, I am going to make time for getting in shape…again!

Anyone who truly knows me, knows that I am a martial artist. Everything I do in life has martial arts incorporated into it. Does this make me different? Yes and no. Many people do martial arts and many don’t. So, I am different, but also the same.

We all have dreams, but they are not the same.
We all eat food, but not the same kinds.
We all live in a country, but not the same one.
We all breathe air, but not at the same time.
We are all the same, but different.

I challenge you to be different, while realizing you are the same

Brad Rhame

Levels of Awareness

Good points to keep in mind.

The levels of awareness are highly important in deterring an attack and if an attack happens, surviving it. The awareness levels were pioneered by Marine Lieutenant Colonel Jeff Cooper and are commonly referred to as Cooper’s color code. In self-defense, utilizing the different levels of Cooper’s color code ensures you are aware of what is going on around you and allows you to respond faster if attacked.

Cooper describes four levels of awareness: white, yellow, orange and red. [1] The Marine Corps uses Cooper’s four and added condition black. Furthermore, Army Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman describes another condition level, gray, between red and black. [2] There will be a whole post dedicated to condition gray in the future. For this post we will be discussing levels white, yellow, orange, red and black. The website Stratfor, does a really good job of translating the color codes as: white = tuned out…

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Home Defense Weapons and Safe Backstops | PDN Video

Home Defense Weapons and Safe Backstops | PDN Video.

The story of Tiburon – by Darren Hardy

In The Compound Effect, I told the story of how I found my dream home. I was sitting on the dock at Sam’s Anchor Café looking up at the mega houses that cantilevered over the tip of Tiburon, in Marin County, California—just across the bay from San Francisco. It’s an exciting thing, putting the last few signatures on the pages that make your dream home your actual home. Yet even as they handed over the keys, I wasn’t thinking about what a monumental moment it was for me. I wasn’t filled with excitement at the thought of moving in or waking up that first morning in my new place or even how awesome it would be to show my friends. As I left the title company that afternoon, there was one thought and one thought only in my mind…

via The story of Tiburon.

Take out the Trash – by Darren Hardy

The dream in your heart may be bigger than the environment in which you find yourself. Sometimes you have to get out of that environment to see that dream fulfilled. It’s like planting an oak sapling in a pot. Once it becomes root bound, its growth is limited. It needs a great space to become a mighty oak. So do you.

via Take out the Trash.

3 Considerations for Creating an Online Store | SCORE

3 Considerations for Creating an Online Store | SCORE.

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