Brad Rhame

Motivational Thoughts on Success, Leadership and Martial Arts

Archive for the month “February, 2014”

One’s Own True Worth



Combined imagery and quote is an ongoing, collaborative project between myself and Peggy A Thompson.

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Persistence – by Brad Rhame

How many times can you remember when success came from sticking with something for just a little longer.  Each of us can remember at least one, or at least I hope so.  Persistence is a proven part of the formula for success.  By not giving up on a job, client, sales pitch, friend, or hobby we have seen where loyalty and persistence has paid big dividends.

The one thing to keep in mind is that after persistence has paid off, consistent action must take over.  This failure happens most often in weight loss and sales.  We work so hard to get to a certain goal and then reward ourselves by taking an “extended” break.  This break leads to old habits creeping back into our lives.  These old habits then return us back to where we began…or at least close to it.  This can then lead to a negative outlook on being able to get back to a successful lifestyle again.

That is why persistence is so important.  Even after reaching our goals, we must keep a persistent mindset everyday.  Success will come, when day after day we take continual disciplined action…also known as Persistence

Brad Rhame

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