Brad Rhame

Motivational Thoughts on Success, Leadership and Martial Arts

Archive for the category “Life/Family”

Your Last 5 Minutes

If you were told you had 5 minutes to live, what would you do?

What would you say?

Would you call someone?

Would you write your final will?

Would you write a note to your loved ones?

How about this…

Would you be ready?

Did you accomplish everything you wanted?

Did you give your best advice to those who needed it?

Did you say, “I love you” enough?

Did you say it at all?

300 seconds is all you have left to leave your last impression on this world.

Did your children learn all the lessons you had to teach them?

Does your spouse know how much you love and adore them?

Will your coworkers have great things to say about you?

Will the local stores remember you?

What will be said by others at your funeral?

Will the world be glad that you graced it with your presence and left something behind?

Will you pass from this planet with a smile on your face or a tear in your eye?

When your final chapter is written and you are flipping to the last couple of pages, what will the words say?

You get to choose the answer to all of the questions above.

You get to write your legacy.

Knowing that nothing can be taken with you, what will you leave behind?

The ending of the story is up to you.

Above all, I hope you choose happiness.

By leaving this world a piece of you, we will be better off.

Now go and finish your story.

You’ll be glad you did.

I promise.

The Perfect Marriage

Was your first reaction to laugh or was it curiosity?

Is there a formula for a perfect marriage?


Have you ever volunteered your time to help a friend, family member or organization?

What about donating blood or platelets?

Was there this feeling that made you smile from the inside out when it was all finished?

That is how marriage should feel. It should be this feeling of giving to someone else. This can come in the form of a nice compliment or note. It can also be done by helping around the home or giving a well-timed and thoughtful gift. It isn’t about how much you spend, but that you thought of them to do something special.

Maybe it is as simple as rubbing their feet or neck. Possibly just holding their hand and looking into their eyes.

So, if it is really that simple where did we go wrong?

Let’s start at the beginning

From the time we are born to the time we graduate high school, life is pretty much about us. Some of us may take that into our 20’s or even 30’s.

From our exterior to our interior we have a lot of control as to what happens to us and at what time.

The problem with that is we get into a habit of always thinking about ourselves instead of others. This problem pops up when we get married and start realizing that our way is not always the popular way. We start getting challenged by our significant other to why we think the way we do. Maybe we get completely shut down on our opinion or idea.

This can lead to arguments, pride getting in the way, and downright obstinance on our part or our spouse.

Every day it is up to you whether the day starts off right or wrong. Can we control how someone else responds? No. However, we can keep making the right decision by giving to them.

Are there going to be those times when someone doesn’t respond in the right way? Yes. Could it be a continual thing? Yes. Is that your fault? No. That is something they will need to remedy on their side. Our job is to love them and to take care of them mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

If they never change, then it might be time to get counseling. If that doesn’t work, then you have to do what you feel is right by your own beliefs.

The majority of people will reciprocate your giving to them. And the goal is that they take turns giving it first too.

When two people are loving towards one another, then giving should come naturally. Sometimes you don’t feel the love, but by putting into action what we want to ultimately achieve, then we will feel the love afterwards.

There are moments when you won’t want to do something and that is natural. Everyone feels like that at times. The goal is to reach for something more. We are seeking the perfect marriage and each couple will have a different idea of what perfect is. The main idea is that you come up with it together.

You are in control of your destiny. You are in control of your thoughts. You are in control of your actions. When you start taking responsibility for your successes and failures, then you will start doing what is required to achieve maximum results in your marriage.

There are thousands of ideas that you can research on the internet. Take some time to make your marriage perfect. Take some time to ask your spouse what they like. Take some time to write it down.

You have to study to get good grades. You have to workout to get a fit body. You have to work hard to make more money.

Your relationship deserves hard work too. Take five minutes to think about your spouse. Think of all the generous things he/she has done for you. Think of goals you want to achieve with them. Think of places you want to go. Think about making them smile.

Your words and actions go farther than you realize.

Give it your best and you won’t be disappointed.

I promise.

Growing Up – by Brad Rhame

I passed by my oldest son’s bedroom and noticed he was taking a nap.  He is 14 years old.  It is amazing to see how long he is on the bed.  In the last year, he has grown 5 to 6 inches in height and gained a tremendous amount of muscle.  As he was lying there, I felt like I had missed a whole year of his life.

He has changed so much!

I am proud of him.  He hears me say it, however, I don’t think he understands it.  Not like me.  There is this deep feeling of emotion that rushes over me as I see the man he could or might become.  His future is still in its infancy.

I think back to when he was a baby.  He was premature and was less than 4 lbs.  So small.  So helpless.  So fragile.  Now he is able to do most things by himself and will soon be driving.  I actually look forward to teaching him how to drive.  It will be one more bridge to freedom for him.  Another chance to grow up and make important decisions.

Sometimes we want our children to stay small and young.  We forget that our parents wanted the same thing for us, as did their parents for them.  Life is about growth…mentally…physically…emotionally…spiritually.  Without growth, there is only death. Life requires growth.  People, places, and things never stop growing.

People grow in physicality first and then in understanding (or at least that is the hope…lol).  Places like cities continue to grow in population.  In fact, the population from 1980 (4.4 billion) till now July 2018 (7.5 billion) has grown extremely fast!  And things like transportation, technology and even trees continue to grow.

Back to my son…

Now that his bones, muscles and other tissues are growing quickly, it also requires rest.  I think that is why he is napping.  Besides it being hot out, he is just worn out.  I take these moments as precious times in history, because I won’t have them much more.  What I will have is more experiences with him.  More intelligent conversations and yes…better comebacks.  We like to joke a lot.  He also likes to fill his oats and challenge me from time to time, with a little chest bumping action or wrestling match. He is definitely getting stronger and faster.  One day I won’t have the upper hand.  My martial arts background and physical size over him won’t last much longer, but I’m not telling him that!

I love him.

I make sure to tell him that a lot.

He probably thinks I say it too much, but I know a lot of guys who have never heard that from their dads.  So, I want to make sure he knows.

When life keeps moving faster and faster, make sure to hit the pause button and look around.  Kids grow up fast.  We grow up fast.  Life keeps moving, growing, changing…and if we don’t take a moment to breath and take in its beauty, then we will miss it.

I’m not going to miss it.

I’m not going to miss watching my son grow up.

In fact…I look forward to it (sort of).

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