Brad Rhame

Motivational Thoughts on Success, Leadership and Martial Arts

Archive for the tag “dreams”

Lessons Learned (Part 4)

When I left the retail industry, I moved on to horses and hard work!

While I was finishing my senior year in high school, I started working on a ranch. I had so many experiences on that ranch that they still play a part in my life today.

When I first started on the ranch, the job was only after school for an hour or so.  Then, once summer came, I was working full time and really enjoyed it.  I learned a lot about hard work and doing things that I had never done before.  That summer the temperature got as high as 110 degrees, in the shade!  I wore boots, jeans, a t-shirt and a cowboy hat.  I got to see newborn calves born and weaned from their moms.  Building fence was quite the experience, too. There were acres of fence to build! 

One thing I learned was how to take instruction from the ranch hand.  He grew up on a farm and knew what it was like to take care of horses, build fence and make sure everything ran smoothly.  His name was Craig and there was a reason behind everything he did. He was also a great dad and husband.  Occasionally, I got to see him interact with his family, when they would come onto the ranch.  We had some good laughs, as well as some serious teachable moments. 

Once, when his son was just a young boy and wouldn’t stop talking, I bet his son that he couldn’t be quiet for five minutes.  Well, he did it and I had to pay up.  That was my second thing I learned. It is always better to keep your word and be known for what you say you will do. His son started trying to make more bets with me, but I knew better than to make that mistake again!

The owner of the ranch was a family friend and I am fortunate that my parents knew him. He made good money at a lumber company that he owned, and I always thought it would be neat to own my own company and do well in life.  He was also a very giving man and generous to others. Having nice things is great, and there is nothing wrong with it, but one just can’t make it the sole purpose of living this life. If you are going to make good money, then you need to show others how to use it properly.

In life there are many things you can spend your money on, but none of them compare to educating yourself. I’m not necessarily talking about formal education and college. Although, those are beneficial. What I am really speaking about is finding hobbies and passions that drive you. Spend time learning more about them from books, videos, mentors and even weekend classes.

When we are young, we may find that school is boring or not for us. In reality, it is teaching us how to learn, so we can take that knowledge of how to learn and apply it towards what we truly want to do in life. Learning how to take instruction and apply what you learn to your life is of the utmost importance. When we are not afraid of learning new skills, ideas or ways of life, we will run towards educating ourselves and pursuing our dreams.

Andy when we couple learning with hard work, we will find that our worlds will change drastically and for the better!

Remember…life is short. Don’t wait to do what you want to do or you will have less time to do it.

Life Lesson:

Learn how to learn and don’t be afraid of hard work.

Lessons Learned (Part 2)

Some of our best memories of jobs are from our youth.

The second job I ever made money from was umpiring. At the age of 15, I can still remember the feeling of getting out of my parent’s car and walking down to the baseball field to do a doubleheader. One game I was behind the plate calling balls and strikes, and the other I was out in the field, watching over the bases. Being out in the field was easier, of course, because I wasn’t involved in every pitch or play.  Most nights, however, there were two games, and I always switched off with the other umpire.

When behind the plate, a person has many balls to juggle (pardon the pun): there is calling balls and strikes, remembering to record each one with a clicker, watching out for missed or wildly thrown balls, dealing with upset coaches and parents, and keeping the game moving.  It was always a good idea to wear a cup and steel toed shoes for crazy bounces or foul balls, too!  When dealing with upset coaches and parents, it was extremely important to stay calm and handle their frustrations in a professional manner.  Behind the plate required patience, thick skin and good judgement.  There were times that I really appreciated when parents would come up afterwards and tell me I did a good job calling the game. 

I also got paid 50 percent more when I was behind the plate.  That is when I really started to understand the significance behind making money and what it could get me.  I loved saving up for new baseball cards or action figures.  I also started getting into shooting a bow around that time, and so it helped pay for range time and new arrows.

In life, the higher the position the more you make. And usually, it is because it requires more responsibility and that is why you get paid more. The other thing about higher positions is that each one comes with its own headaches and fires to put out. Sometimes your position comes with more physical demands and other times it comes with more mental ones. In either case, having patience, thick skin and good judgement will pay off if you can remember that you are building your skills for a better you.

Having those attributes isn’t just for work. Too many times we look forward to getting home and just relaxing. And while that is great to take a load off of our feet, many times our day may only be half over. New parents have little ones vying for their attention. There are chores, animals to feed/walk and other responsibilities that need to be completed. Others go home to stressful households where conflict is high and that can create a whole other set of issues. That is where having thick skin, on and off the job, comes in and knowing that getting through each day is the ultimate challenge. It is also about making the best of each day. Sometimes this is easier said than done.

I have found that in the same way that I needed to have patience, thick skin and good judgement as an umpire, I also needed to implement that same strategy at home and in the workplace. Life can be hard enough and so I encourage people to use good judgement and find someone who makes life easier for you and shares in your same dreams and passions. Do the same when making friends. Having the right people in our life makes all the difference in the world.

When starting out in life, we don’t always get the job of our dreams, but we can become the person of our dreams every day. We can make a concerted effort to be the best at our job that we can be. People in management positions will notice and if they don’t, then use your skills to find a better job in the future. Sometimes we have to have patience with what we want in life and that doesn’t always happen on our timeline. At the same time, work on what you really want to be, do or have when you are not at work. Read books, go to seminars, watch YouTube videos, and invest time and/or money in a mentor. Do things that continually push you towards the person you want to be.

Life is too short to wait on becoming your best version. The longer you wait to do what you want, the less time you have to do it. Work every day at taking one step towards being the hero of your story.

Life Lesson:

Develop patience, thick skin and good judgement in all aspects of your life.

Your Last 5 Minutes

If you were told you had 5 minutes to live, what would you do?

What would you say?

Would you call someone?

Would you write your final will?

Would you write a note to your loved ones?

How about this…

Would you be ready?

Did you accomplish everything you wanted?

Did you give your best advice to those who needed it?

Did you say, “I love you” enough?

Did you say it at all?

300 seconds is all you have left to leave your last impression on this world.

Did your children learn all the lessons you had to teach them?

Does your spouse know how much you love and adore them?

Will your coworkers have great things to say about you?

Will the local stores remember you?

What will be said by others at your funeral?

Will the world be glad that you graced it with your presence and left something behind?

Will you pass from this planet with a smile on your face or a tear in your eye?

When your final chapter is written and you are flipping to the last couple of pages, what will the words say?

You get to choose the answer to all of the questions above.

You get to write your legacy.

Knowing that nothing can be taken with you, what will you leave behind?

The ending of the story is up to you.

Above all, I hope you choose happiness.

By leaving this world a piece of you, we will be better off.

Now go and finish your story.

You’ll be glad you did.

I promise.

The Perfect Marriage

Was your first reaction to laugh or was it curiosity?

Is there a formula for a perfect marriage?


Have you ever volunteered your time to help a friend, family member or organization?

What about donating blood or platelets?

Was there this feeling that made you smile from the inside out when it was all finished?

That is how marriage should feel. It should be this feeling of giving to someone else. This can come in the form of a nice compliment or note. It can also be done by helping around the home or giving a well-timed and thoughtful gift. It isn’t about how much you spend, but that you thought of them to do something special.

Maybe it is as simple as rubbing their feet or neck. Possibly just holding their hand and looking into their eyes.

So, if it is really that simple where did we go wrong?

Let’s start at the beginning

From the time we are born to the time we graduate high school, life is pretty much about us. Some of us may take that into our 20’s or even 30’s.

From our exterior to our interior we have a lot of control as to what happens to us and at what time.

The problem with that is we get into a habit of always thinking about ourselves instead of others. This problem pops up when we get married and start realizing that our way is not always the popular way. We start getting challenged by our significant other to why we think the way we do. Maybe we get completely shut down on our opinion or idea.

This can lead to arguments, pride getting in the way, and downright obstinance on our part or our spouse.

Every day it is up to you whether the day starts off right or wrong. Can we control how someone else responds? No. However, we can keep making the right decision by giving to them.

Are there going to be those times when someone doesn’t respond in the right way? Yes. Could it be a continual thing? Yes. Is that your fault? No. That is something they will need to remedy on their side. Our job is to love them and to take care of them mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

If they never change, then it might be time to get counseling. If that doesn’t work, then you have to do what you feel is right by your own beliefs.

The majority of people will reciprocate your giving to them. And the goal is that they take turns giving it first too.

When two people are loving towards one another, then giving should come naturally. Sometimes you don’t feel the love, but by putting into action what we want to ultimately achieve, then we will feel the love afterwards.

There are moments when you won’t want to do something and that is natural. Everyone feels like that at times. The goal is to reach for something more. We are seeking the perfect marriage and each couple will have a different idea of what perfect is. The main idea is that you come up with it together.

You are in control of your destiny. You are in control of your thoughts. You are in control of your actions. When you start taking responsibility for your successes and failures, then you will start doing what is required to achieve maximum results in your marriage.

There are thousands of ideas that you can research on the internet. Take some time to make your marriage perfect. Take some time to ask your spouse what they like. Take some time to write it down.

You have to study to get good grades. You have to workout to get a fit body. You have to work hard to make more money.

Your relationship deserves hard work too. Take five minutes to think about your spouse. Think of all the generous things he/she has done for you. Think of goals you want to achieve with them. Think of places you want to go. Think about making them smile.

Your words and actions go farther than you realize.

Give it your best and you won’t be disappointed.

I promise.

Fighting Greatness – by Brad Rhame

What is one of the first things we do when we get out of bed? Yes…we head towards the bathroom, but what is one of the main things we do once we are in the bathroom? It has to do with a mirror. Yes, that’s right. We look at ourselves. And why do you suppose that is? Are we hoping to have perfect hair? What about sleep lines from our pillows? Are we hoping those don’t show up?

I think the answer lies much deeper and truer than those questions ask. I think we are hoping to see someone amazing. We are hoping that today picks up where yesterday left off (if yesterday was a great day). Or we are hoping that today is completely different and altogether better. Either way, we want today to be great. And most likely we want to be a factor in its greatness.

Whether we admit it or not, each of us wants to be great. We want to know our lives matter or make a difference. Life has a way of bringing us back to an all too common reality. My question though is this, “Is reality real?” If we wake up everyday hoping today is the day where we succeed, win, achieve more or whatever your goal might be, then doesn’t it make sense that we were made for more…?

Why do some people impact the world at such a young age and others do not? Could it be our drive? I wouldn’t put money on that one. What about our personality type? Maybe, but I would hold out for something else.

If I had to take an educated guess I would say passion. And then, what is our “Why”. If you believe in something with every fiber of your being and have a reason for it coming to fruition, then and only then can you make it happen. Nothing happens without action. Where there is no belief and action…dreams do not become reality.

Bruce Lee changed martial arts forever, because of his belief in a better fighting philosophy. Jesus Christ changed the world, because of his love for humanity. Both died before they saw the age of 35! There is still time for you to realize your dreams and become the person you were created to be.

From now on, when you get out of bed trust yourself to who you want to be and not who you might currently think you are. Surround yourself with positive people. Read books and magazines that inspire you. Keep learning and growing. Always be a student and self educate yourself. Exercise your body and brain. Create something new. Go somewhere new. Try something new.

But most of all…Stop fighting your current fear of greatness and who you were really meant to be. Dare yourself to fail. Learn from your mistakes and press on. We are waiting for you to change the world!

Conquering Your Dreams: Step 8

We are closing in on victory. Only a few steps more to knowing exactly how to Conquer your Dreams. This one is the attribute shared by every great achiever I have ever met and you have ever seen on the cover of SUCCESS. THIS is what you need to ultimately succeed:

via Conquering Your Dreams: Step 8.

Love to Live – by Brad Rhame

Life is not so much about what we do, but who we are.  Maybe you always wanted to be someone famous or own your own company.  Right now you are neither.  Maybe you will always be neither…But that is okay.  Learn to (or should I say teach yourself to) love life.  Everyday is a gift.  When your body is set in motion, at the start of the day, anything can happen.  Live as if it were your last day on Earth.  Make others remember you.  Make them glad they knew you.  Care about other’s more than yourself and they will remember you.


When life is over all your trophies will rust and eventually end up in the dump.  The one thing that won’t is your impact on others.  Give others something to live for.  Motivate and inspire them to go for their dreams.  Show them that you genuinely care about their lives.  Teach your kids everything you can.  Love your spouse with everything you have.  Give all you have inside to everyone outside.  Smile as you walk by others.  Open doors for others.  Pay the tab for others.  Volunteer your time to others.  Do to others as you would have them do to you.


Love your life so much that you want to bless others with it!

Brad Rhame

Success through Persistence – by Brad Rhame

Success through Persistence is the key to any endeavor.  Many people will tell you to have passion, desire, knowledge, charisma, and many more in order to be successful.  I cannot disagree with any of those attributes, but none of those matter if you are not persistent.  Success requires persistence.

There is no doubt in my mind that being passionate plays a role in staying persistent.  The same goes for desire, knowledge, charisma and all the others.  They all play a part in driving you to be more persistent.  Sure, they will get you started and give you some lift throughout your journey…BUT they do not keep you going.

I love martial arts.  I am extremely passionate about martial arts, but I have days that I wake up and don’t want to workout or practice my techniques.  That is where passion, desire, knowledge, charisma and all the others fall short.  You have to persist even when you don’t feel like it.  Ask any author, athlete or some other professional how they have achieved success and they will tell you persistence.  Some call it self-discipline and that works too.


The only problem is that you may wake up one day and say, “I don’t feel disciplined.”  Here is the thing though…each day you choose not to do something, you are actually being persistent about not doing it.  You can be persistent about doing something or not doing it.  So, now that you know that you are a persistent person, choose to focus your energy where you want it.


That is why I call it persistence and not self-discipline.  Take yourself or feelings out of the equation.  Realize that being persistent is a philosophy and that you have to do it to be successful.  That is why best selling authors keep writing books with millions of copies.  That is why great baseball players have a .300+ batting average.  That is why successful real estate agents make awesome livings for themselves.

If you haven’t noticed by now, that is why I have been so persistent about using the word persistent.  Everyday we have to wake up and do what needs to be done in order to achieve our goals and dreams.  Persistence brings us that much closer.  Success is achievable through Persistence.  Now go out and  just do it.  You know you can!

Brad Rhame

Success Starts with You – by Brad Rhame

Success starts with you.  If you have a major goal that you are wanting to tackle, then you need to start off small.  Sometimes we get so caught up in the final outcome that we miss the journey it takes to get us there.  Maybe you are having trouble knowing where to start or doubting that you can even achieve your dream. If this is you, then take a minute to digest these next few lines.  In order to feel a sense of accomplishment you have to start achieving something…anything.  Maybe you have a dream of owning your own business, running a marathon, or writing a book.  The only thing is that it seems too daunting.  Then pick something entirely different to achieve. You might be thinking…”Where is he going with this?”  But let me explain.  In order to muster the courage to start something big, you have to believe in yourself.  Sometimes it takes a sense of accomplishment in another part of your life, in order to begin a new goal.  This might be as simple as remembering back to a time when you did achieve or accomplish something great.  It might also mean starting something new. Those who have succeeded recently have the confidence to do it again.  The more you achieve the more you try.  So, if you need a winning track record before you jump into this new dream feet first, then by all means pick something small and keep moving forward until that day comes when you are ready to step out and say “I’m ready”. Success starts with you!

Brad Rhame

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