Brad Rhame

Motivational Thoughts on Success, Leadership and Martial Arts

Archive for the month “April, 2015”

The Prospect of a Hanging

A great reminder to go after what you love…at any age.

Mason Mercer

I’m not an emotional person, but I about broke down this Saturday when the referee held my hand up and my name was announced as the winner of the fight. This was a very important moment for me and had been building up for some time. I’m writing about it on my music blog  because a large portion of the lyrics for my new tape “God’s Creatures” were inspired by this exact journey.

A year ago exactly I was still living in New York City and was on my daily run. While running I IMG_2307pondered a question that has often bothered me. I have always wondered, what would life be like had I not followed my passion of music as far as I have? I always came back to this question and almost every time I arrived at the same conclusion: I probably would have gotten involved in mixed martial arts.
I grew up…

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Silence the Other People (S.T.O.P)

Some interesting points to think about…

my song

I have always been fascinated with social experiments.  Be it the psychologist in me, but human behavior is intriguing. As I’ve written before, I believe we are intelligently designed. I believe our designer (God) created us to be in spiritual union with Him. However, I find it difficult in this society at times to “Silence the Other People” so that were able to hear our “Spirit Guide”.  So much bombards us in a day, from the media to our co-workers, family and friends.  Everyone seems to have an opinion on your life and the choices you make. Although, I am not implying that it is unhealthy to have positive people who are able to provide us with guidance from time to time; what I am saying is that we must be careful that “people guided” is not louder than “spirit guided”. There are sometimes in life when the choices you…

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