Brad Rhame

Motivational Thoughts on Success, Leadership and Martial Arts

Archive for the tag “What About Bob”

Baby Steps to Success – by Brad Rhame

Life is about baby steps.  So many of us never do anything, because we are “All or nothing” people.  That is one of the worst kinds of thinking we could nurture.  If you decided to do 365 pushups in one year, then wouldn’t it be easier to do 1 a day instead of 91 over four days?  I know…plus one more, but you get the point.  It is easier to get in shape slowly and over time, than it is quickly.


Whenever we go “all or nothing,” it doesn’t take long to go back to doing nothing after doing it all.  It is too much stress on the body and brain.  We get pumped up about achieving something great, but do not take the time to think it through, over the long haul.  We start psychologically breaking down.  We start to realize that it is impossible to keep this kind of energy going.  Then….as soon as we mess up a couple times or slack off…we Quit.  Possibly, never to return or at least not for a long time.


If you want to be a great writer, then you have to start with a sentence.  Then a paragraph.  Then a page. A chapter…and finally a book.  Work on writing one great sentence each day you wake up.  After a week or a month, move on to writing a paragraph each day.  Slowly but surely you will have your book.


The same philosophy goes for anything you want to do in life.  Baby steps will get you to where you want to be.  If you don’t believe me, then watch the movie What About Bob.  A funny movie, but it changed the way I looked at life and achieving success.  Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is your success.


Think small and grow big!


Brad Rhame

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